Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hyori Lee

Hyori Lee
Name : 이효리 (李孝利) Hyo Ri, Hyori
Profession: Singer/Actress
Position : Leader of FinKL
Full Name : Lee Hyo Ri
Nickname : Cho Ri
Birthday : May 10, 1979
Birthplace: Choong Book, South Korea
Height : 166 cm.
Weight : 47 kg.
Blood Type: A
Religion : Christian
Family : Mom, dad, 1 older brother, 1 older sister
School : Gook Min University, 2nd year
Childhood Dream: Police Officer
Hobbies/Special Talent: Drawing/Acting
Favorite Part of Body: Her long, straight hair
Ideal Guy: Someone who leaves a good first impression
Motto: Let's do the best we can in everything
Hobbies: Drawing, Acting
Customs: Laughs often, low temper
Complex: Long black hair, cute eyes
Most precious thing: Famly

First love: Elemetary school, there was a boy who did everything so well ienvied him.
Favorite food: Anything, but specially crackers covered with chocolate
Favorite color: White
Favorite Singer: Mariah Carey, Brandy
Favorite Songs: Mostly Ballad and R&B
Hyori Lee

Hyori Lee Gallery

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